Effect Object

Creating Shadow, Blur, Glow, InnerGlow, Bevel and Reflection effects for visible objects. You can attach and apply an effect to any visual object.



Attached object that the effect will apply to.


The EffectType can be Shadow, Blur, Glow, InnerGlow, Bevel or Reflection.


Flag used to enable and disable the effect.


Property that holds the trigger condition.

Each trigger condition consists of the property name, an equals sign, and the trigger value. All the built-in triggers are Boolean, so their value must be either True or False.


Specifies the color of the shadow for Shadow Effect.


Specifies the distance between the shadow and the visual object to which Shadow Effect is applied.


Specifies the direction (in degrees) of the shadow for Shadow Effect.


Specifies the amount of blur applied to the shadow for Shadow Effect.

Softness is a Single value that takes values in the range from 0 through 9.


Specifies the degree of opacity of the shadow for Shadow Effect.

Opacity is a Single value that takes values in the range from 0 through 1.


Specifies the amount of blur applied to the visual object for Blur Effect. Softness is a Single value that takes values in the range from 0 through 9.


Specifies the color to use on the halo for Glow Effect and InnerGlow Effect.


Softness represents the blur amount applied to the the halo glow for Glow Effect and InnerGlow Effect.

Softness is a Single value that takes values between 0 and 9.


Opacity represents the degree of opacity of the halo for Glow Effect and InnerGlow Effect.

Opacity is a Single value that takes values between 0 and 1.


Specifies the direction (in degrees) of the light that falls on the visual object that has Bevel Effect applied.


Specifies the size of the beveled edge.

For Size set to 0, the effect is not applied.


Specifies the length of the reflection as a percentage of the visual object's height for Reflection Effect.

Length is a Single value that takes values in the range from 0.1 through 1.


Specifies the distance between the visual object and its reflection for Reflection Effect.


Specifies the degree of opacity of the reflection for Reflection Effect.

Opacity is a Single value that takes values in the range from 0 through 1.