Longtion Application Builder Icon Longtion Application Builder tutorials

IconCreate a project (Create a project, add object, set object properties, preview form, save project, build and run the application)
IconCall object method with actions (Get text from an edit object and set the caption property of a label object at run time)
IconCall object method with script (Get text from an edit object and set the caption property of a label object at run time)
IconCall global method with actions (Get user desktop folder path name and display it with a label object)
IconCall global method with script (Get user desktop folder path name and display it with a label object)

IconDatabase Application (Create database application project, connect database, add objects, build the application and run)
IconLookup Field (Add lookup field to DataSet object DBTable and display and edit data with lookup field)
IconCalculated Field (Add calculated field to DataSet object DBTable)
IconCalculated Field with OnCalcFields event (Handle OnCalcFields event of DBTable, GetValue and SetValue methods of DBTable object)
IconMaster/Detail (DBTable objects are linked into master/detail relationships)
IconCreate Chart (Create chart with DBChart object)
IconCreate Report (Create report and preview it with report objects)
IconWeb Application (Create Web application project, connect database, build the application and run, launch browser to visit it and shut down)

IconSearch (Create search form with DataSetLocate action)
IconSearch by field (DataSetLocate and IfThenEles actions with ComboBox)

IconScrollBox and Splitter objects (Parent objects and align properties)
IconClock with actions (For version 5.2 or later, form variable, method and object method of timer)
IconClock with script (For version 5.5 or later, write script)

Longtion Application Builder Icon Longtion Application Builder: http://www.longtion.com/appbuilder/appbuilder.htm

Longtion Software